“What Is PseudoDada?”

My name is Demba. PseudoDada is my producer name. PseudoDada LLC is my record label. I produce beats, review albums and tracks, and talk about the latest in music trends.  Expect the latest in hip hop, rock, pop, metal, and experimental music.  Thank you for reading, listening, and following.

“Wtf is your logo?”

That’s Duchamp’s Fountain.  It has a funny history. PseudoDada means “fake nothing”, embracing absurd and memetic aesthetics among musicians and their collaborators.

“So what do you do?”

I sell beats, mix sound recordings, and collect vinyl. I also write album & song reviews, sell merchandise, and run a label. Check out our social media links. Join our email list to receive free instrumentals to perform with. Check out the services tab and email me for budget inquiries. Thank you very much for your support.